Today was Fucktastic.
Woke up early.
Namirah and Tako! :D
Go to skool. Maths. Bored. Chemistry bored. English. MORE BORING!
Recess! No mood to eat cause of him who said things behind me and dunno how to say
infront of my face -.-
eat with
Maisarah and Nadhirah at DNT.
Chat with
Ms Goh Skejap.
Malay. Bored. Skip class.
Cikgu huda come. CIKGU HUDA AH SEYH!
Then teros cabot. i ran back to class.
Fazera ran 3rd level.
Selvi just relax. syiok sia her!
I run back to class. Kena Lecture by Mr Rosli about skipping class.
And About being serious in malay.
I dont care about malay okay. Its just a language -.-
Then got Physics. Super boring. End of skool.
need to stay back do corrections -.-
Got new paper to do.
Syafiq talk to him about Aesthetic and his phone.
Find teacher. but she go home oredi -.-
went tamp mall.
makan macs.
Syiok siah!
Namirah blanje! We sit a table. This
big group of ITE Students
Stare at me for so long seyh. I was like. " why are they staring at me."
Then got this fat guy. He use Make up luhh seyh!
I was like ROFL in my heart XD
Then aderh budak
Tamp Sec. Fooo yooo! Hawt gilerh babi uh seyh!Still can smile at me. He is soooooo cute.!!! XD hehehehehee
Matrep seyh lagik!! look at me then smile luh seyh!! I was like
uhhh *melts* XD
Then went out. Got this group of guys.
Got this green shirt guy. he was super hunky. hehehehe
smiled at me. i was like looking at him.
He is sooooo cute!! Argh!!! LOL XD
went to tamp mall. Go to Isetan.
Another Best thing!
Aderh group of matreps budak East View Sec.
They looking at seluar dalam larh seyh!
I see them, i Say "Meee-ooooww!" loudly seyh
Then al the group of
Matrep East View Sec stare at me. i was *Melts!*
Then Arzli heard them talking about me.
I was like. Why today i attract soo many guys uh? XD
hahahahha! kay. after that go and get Namirahs Kimono. Then dahbes!
go home kene
scolding for being home late.
My school $$ deduct. -.-
Namirah ngan nakVibrate Handphone dierh. xD
Arzli Nak makan uh. Dierh lapar. Bukak mulot more bigger! :D
Me Pole Dancing! Foo! more best!
Me pole dancing
Me pole Dancing
In the bus. Purposely take pic so i can whack his face in my Fite Lite
Game. i edit his pic to a fighter then i smash his face! Immortal Judgement eh Arzli? XD