Saturday, February 27, 2010

Woo! Today was siok ah.
Go marina Barage. Thinking it was a Boring day.
But it turn out to be a random day!
Go there. Got Free Cokes! I take coke 3 times!
TEacher say can go walk around.
Me, Aishah, Maisarah and Nadhirah!
Syiok! We make Badge! i do Ying and Yang!
Then i go and do a card. A fat women.
Then i write. " You are beautiful no matter what you are "
WAhahahaha! pandai kan? Cantek ah!
Then go and make Bag. OMG!
The Bag is Fantavourlous! :D
Then Go make kite!
I make blue kite exchange the tail with aishah!
Green tail with blue kite!
Matching uh siah!
Decorate with Sun, My name. And Ying and Yang.
And err. What was the last one. Hmm.. FOrget oredi. XD
Then while making kite, I see people Dance.
OMFG! They are soo flexible and Hawt ah sia!
Love their bods! XD Sial jek.
Got distraction. They are soo fast at dancing.
Go up play kite.
Loads of laugh. Make kite fly go heaven! Woo!
Then go back down. Then i saw FAMILIAR people.
I know one of them is Haikal. And i know one of them is Sidik.
There is soo many Familliar people.
Roar!! they look hotter in person O: